
NOAA produces and maintains a suite of nautical charts that cover the coastal waters of the U.S. and its territories. Clink on the Office of Coast Survey banner above to go directly to their website.
Mariners should use NOAA’s Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC) in an appropriate navigation system for real time navigation.
ENC US5CA94M covers Humboldt Bay and can be accessed via NOAA’s website.
NOAA is ending production of their raster and traditional paper chart products. The large-scale raster chart for Humboldt Bay has been canceled and is no longer available. More information on the ending of this program can be found on the website:
Any questions on NOAA’s navigation products and services can be directed to Jeffrey Ferguson, California Navigation Manager for NOAA’s Office of Coast Survey (email:
NOAA’s National Weather Service issues weather related watches, warnings, and advisories. The Eureka forecast office information and forecasts are available here:

The US Army Corps of Engineers conduct condition surveys for Humboldt Bay at least twice per year. To view the most recent survey, click US Army Corps of Engineers at the left side of this page to go to their website.

Mariners should always contact US Coast Guard Humboldt Bay for a bar report prior to crossing the bar.
VHF Channel 16, 156.800 MHz, or call 707-443-2213
Click here to view navigation map. (PDF format)
Click here to view the Water Trails map. (PDF format)